About Etel

As a single mom of two boys at Heard St. School and as a 
Columbus Park homeowner, I share the same concerns, 
frustrations and dreams of other District 5 residents.

I am running for District 5 City Councilor to help build stronger and more vibrant neighborhoods in our City. Neighborhoods that have a voice at City Hall, and in which everyone has the ability to thrive and benefit from economic opportunities. My life journey has deepened my understanding of others’ suffering and strengthened my commitment to serve my community. As your district city councilor, I will work hard so everyone has access to good jobs, quality education for our children, good housing and a healthy environment.

My life story is similar to the story of others who fled violence and poverty. I have called Worcester home since 2001, arriving as a young adult with my parents after fleeing Albania’s political upheaval. Worcester welcomed us. As a new American with the opportunity to complete my undergraduate and graduate studies at Clark University, I have chosen a life of service, investing back in the City I call home.

For the past sixteen years, I have mentored youth, served consumers in the Attorney General’s office, supported families in public housing and homeless shelters, and organized mothers to fight for a livable climate for all our children. As an advocate, I served on the City’s Community Development Block Grant Committee and have been a long-time board member of the YWCA of Central Massachusetts.

Like most working single parents, I worry about my children’s education, affording after-school care, the high cost of health insurance, paying the mortgage, as well as being the sole caretaker of an aging parent. The stories and dreams of the youth I have mentored, families struggling to maintain housing stability I have supported, and employees fighting wage theft I have stood alongside, are all part of my commitment and drive. In addition to good schools and public safety, having safe and engaging playgrounds for my boys, walkable sidewalks, community gathering spots and safe streets form the basic expectations I have of good government.   

I am currently working as director of public education & advocacy at Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance. I am raising my two boys in our home on Englewood Avenue in the Columbus Park neighborhood, where we enjoy the security of a beautiful and diverse community.  

The same determination that sustained my parents on our journey many years ago, will guide me as I continue my advocacy for the residents of District 5. I am excited and honored to be running for your city councilor and I invite you help me build on our vision for our community.